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Hi there - my name’s Clare, it’s nice to meet you! I identify as female and my pronouns are she / her.


🥰 I very much want my clients to feel safe sharing who they are with me. We are all unique individuals with unique experiences of the world, and what makes each of us different is to be celebrated. So, in the spirit of creating a safe and open space - here’s a little about me…

🧠 I am a neurospicy human with diagnosed ADHD (combined type), so I understand the very real struggles and strengths that go along with having a neurospicy brain. 

🔥 I am passionate about helping others, and I really value and love the work that my clients and I do in partnership. 

🏳️‍🌈 I’m part of the LGBTQIA+ community. To be honest, I’m not exactly sure where I fit in terms of labels at this point in my life… but in a nutshell, I’m attracted to people, and have recently discovered that I have a preference for women.

🌴 I'm based in Cairns, which is in Far North Queensland, Australia. Coaching sessions are conveniently held online over Zoom, so my clients are located far and wide. 

🤓 Education and Training I've Completed

  • ADHD and Life Coach Training Certification Program - ADD Coaching Academy (ADDCA).
  • ADD Coaching Academy (ADDCA) AACC Certified Coach.
  • Recognise and Respond Suicide Prevention - Black Dog Institute. 
  • ACON Pride Training - LGBTQ+ Introduction Course. 
  • ACON Pride Training - Suicide Prevention in LGBTQ+ Communities Course. 
  • ACON Pride Training - Trans and Gender Affirming Practice Course. 
  • ACON Pride Training - Asking Questions on Gender and Sexuality Course. 
  • International Coaching Federation Member.
  • Australasian ADHD Professionals Association (AADPA) Associate Member. 
  • ACON Welcome Here LGBTQ+ Member. 
  • ADHD Coaches Australasia Member.
  • Previous Professional History:
    - Bachelor of New Media Arts, Majoring in Graphic Design.
    - Over 15 years experience as a Graphic Designer.
    - Creative project management.
    - Creative team management.